Saturday, March 27, 2010

Air Guard Cake

This cake is for a going away party for someone who joined the Air National Guards. My husband took a photo shoot of the assembling and decorating phase of this cake, so you can kind of see the whole process of how the cake came together. I always have my iPod blasting and am usually singing (ok fine, and dancing!) along while I'm working on the cakes, so the majority of the time I had no idea that he was taking a picture until the flash went off.

First step of the day: Frosting the cake! Let's get this party started!!

Coloring the fondant for the blue stripe on the bottom layer. Steve caught me off guard here, I may have been singing along to my iPod :)

Rolling out fondant for the top layer of the cake

Cutting out the Air Guard symbols by hand with an Xacto knife

Assembling the symbols
Symbols cut out and drying

Putting the Air Guard symbol on

Piping on frosting boarders to hold the layers together

Putting on the planes and final details

The final product! Red Velvet cake with buttercream frosting

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