Sunday, August 29, 2010

\m/ \m/ Rock on Slayer fan!

A friend of mine's husband is a huge metal head. He plays in a band and is pretty much just a rocker star. His favorite band of all time is Slayer, so his wife decided to go with a Slayer theme, and in true rock star fashion, we decided to go all out and make the cake spew blood. Yup, that's right...spew blood. How can you have a Slayer cake without blood?? So we went with a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and raspberry flavored "blood". The blood is in cased in the middle of the cake, so when he cuts it, the blood with spew out all over everything. There ended up being about a cup and a half of raspberry blood in there, so it should be nice and messy!!

Here is the cake filled with the raspberry blood

Here is the front of the cake

Here is the back of the cake

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